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My Eyes Feel Like a Desert!

Itching, burning, watering, red, irritated, tired eyes... what is a person to do? These symptoms are classic signs of Dry Eye Syndrome (DES), which affects millions of adults and children.
What causes this? Dry eye syndrome can be brought on...
Taking Care of Your Child's Eyes

Just like adults, children need to have their eyes examined. This need begins at birth and continues through adulthood.
Following are common recommendations for when a child needs to be screened, and what is looked for at each stage.
Should These Flashes & Floaters Worry Me?

"What are these weird floating things I started seeing?"
The spots, strings, or cobwebs that drift in and out of your vision are called “floaters,” and they are more prominent if you’re looking against a white background.
These floaters are...
Texting and Driving = Bad Idea

There are many opinions on the topic of texting and driving. The goal of this blog post is to explore the effects on vision during texting.
So, from a visual perspective, why does texting make you more likely to crash? The problem lies in...
Bring Your Glasses to the Eye Doc...Even if You HATE Them!

Despite requests that patients bring their current glasses to their office visit, many show up without them.
Sometimes it’s an oversight: “I was rushing to get here and forgot them”; “I left them in the car”; “I picked up my wife’s glasses...
Read more: Bring Your Glasses to the Eye Doc...Even if You HATE Them!
ADHD and Your Eyes

Did you know that having one's eyes tested can reveal symptoms of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)? ADHD is a set of symptoms that includes trouble with focus, overactivity, and behavioral control. It is estimated that one in five...
Had LASIK? Get a Copy of Your Eye Records ASAP!

No this is not a late-night personal injury lawyer infomercial.
This is a recommendation that you have your LASIK records available, for your own good, later in life.
There are 2 million cataract surgeries done yearly in the U.S. and the...
The Link Between Sleep Apnea and Glaucoma

The Background
Over the last several years, research has indicated a strong correlation between the presence of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and glaucoma. Information from some of these pivotal studies is presented below.
Did you...
Why Good Sunglasses are a Great Investment

The sun does some amazing things. It plays a role in big helping our bodies to naturally produce Vitamin D. In fact, many people who work indoors are directed to take Vitamin D supplements because of lack of exposure to the sunshine.
I Think My Reading Glasses Made My Eyes Worse!

Will reading glasses make your eyes worse? The short answer is "No."
Although we don’t know the exact mechanism by which humans lose the ability to focus up close as we age (a process called presbyopia), the fact remains that it happens to...
When Do You NEED Cataract Surgery?

Cataracts are part of the natural aging process. Everyone gets them to one degree or another if they live long enough. Cataracts, as they progress, create increasing difficulty with the normal activities of living. The symptoms vary from one...
13 MORE Eye Jokes Just for You!

Ready or are 13 more jokes to make you groan!
1. Patient: "What’s that floater doing in my eye, doctor?" Doctor: “The sidestroke.”
2. Doctor: “Have your eyes ever been checked before?” Patient: “No, they’ve always been...
10 Eye Jokes Just for You!

Need a chuckle or a groan? Here you go...
1. Did you hear about the guy who just found out he was color blind? It hit him right out of the purple!
2. What happened to the lab tech when he fell into the grinder? He made a spectacle of...
Why Are They Saying I Need to Pay Out-of-Pocket for Cataract Surgery?

You’ve been diagnosed with a cataract and you’ve been told you should have cataract surgery. The surgeon is also telling you that you should consider paying out-of-pocket for certain features.
Where did this come from? Why should you have to...
Read more: Why Are They Saying I Need to Pay Out-of-Pocket for Cataract Surgery?
Is Coffee Good or Bad for My Eyes?

The 2019 National Coffee Drinking Trends report showed that 64 percent of people who participated in the survey said they had drunk coffee the previous day, which is interpreted as daily consumption. This was up from 57 percent in 2016, said the...
What Is a Retinal Vein Occlusion?

What does blood in the back of the eye signify, anyway?
It could be a retinal vein occlusion, an ocular disorder that can occur in older people when the blood vessels to the retina are blocked.
The retina is the back part of the eye where...
I'm 45 and My Contacts No Longer Work for Me!

More middle-aged and older adults are wearing soft contacts than ever.
And one of the biggest reasons they stop wearing contacts is the difficulty they face reading with their contacts after presbyopia begins to set in around the early...
What Are Retina Wrinkles?
A wrinkle on the retina -- which is also known as an epiretinal membrane (ERM) or a macular pucker -- is a thin, translucent tissue that develops on the surface of the retina.
The retina is the inner layer that lines the inside of the back of...
The Power of a Mother's Eyes

Motherhood...the sheer sound of it brings enduring memories. A mother’s touch, her voice, her cooking, and the smile of approval in her eyes. Science has proven that there is a transference of emotion and programming from birth and infancy...
Parkinson's & Your Eyes

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive degenerative condition of the neurological system. The majority of Parkinson’s effects are on movement, often starting off very slowly and subtly. One of the earliest symptoms is a slight tremor in one or...
4 Reasons Your Eyelid Might Be Twitching

Have you ever felt a twitching sensation in your eye? Did it feel like everyone was looking at you because of it? Were you worried that it was the beginning of a big problem?
Relax--it’s not likely to be a big deal. Most of the time it is not...